mardi 9 mai 2017

Xamarin.forms : Add Splash screen (XF

Hi all,

As I've installed VS2017, I took the time to do refactoring on my project in order to add new api.
So I've decide to start from a blank project and add my classes.

After several quirks, I've spent a lot of time to add a splash screen.
When I followed old fashion method or the method Xamarin describes on their website  I always had this error:
  • The file “obj\Debug\android\bin\packaged_resources” does not exist.

To solve that: It tooks time to find a correct sample all around the web.. but the sample (with project) to download in the xamarin website works well.

The main difference is : No layer list to create, and in the style.xml file,
there are those two more item

    <item name="android:windowContentOverlay">@null</item>
    <item name="android:windowActionBar">true</item>

Now everything works fine.

Good work.